Palmdale Multi-Modal Transportation Center
Project Name: Palmdale Multi-Modal Transportation Center
Location: Palmdale, CA
Several agencies contributed to the project including three grants from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) totaling $5.64 million; $1.3 million of federal funds presented by U.S. Congressman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon. Other significant contributions were provided by Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District, Antelope Valley Transit Authority, Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, and the Federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century Funds. The total budget for the Palmdale Transportation Center is $14.85 million. The project included construction of a train station, rail access platform, and related improvements at the Palmdale Transportation Center.
Our project scope included boundary surveying, topographic survey, aerial photogrammetry, historical record research, parcel map, and other miscellaneous services for the City of Palmdale and Sverdrup Civil. We also prepared the preliminary soils investigation and provided soils QA/QC services for the City of Palmdale.